In the wake of the terror attack in New York City, which left eight people dead and several more injured, the New York interfaith community came together to hold a candlelight vigil to honor and remember the victims and call for peace. As we mourn those who died in this tragic attack and support those who must fight to heal from injuries and trauma, we come together as a reminder that we, as New Yorkers and as Americans, will not be terrorized or let such an act divide us. READ MORE (New York ...
A Look Inside Mexico’s Vibrant Muslim Community
Islam is an incredibly diverse faith, with believers from every cultural and ethnic background and from all across the world. This article explores one little-known community of Muslims living in Mexico, in what was once the Maya heartland. Learn more about this community and its origins at the link below! READ MORE (The Independent) ...
First Muslim Sorority at University of Texas Hopes to Inspire Leadership
The first Muslim sorority on the University of Texas at Austin campus held its very first meeting this semester. The sorority is a chapter of Mu Delta Alpha, a sorority that was begun three years ago at the University of Texas at Dallas. According to sorority organizers, the sorority provides sisters the opportunity to embrace their Muslim identity and build leadership skills. One of the sorority's main goals is to identify successful Muslim women and make them accessible to the sisters as a ...
Imam Feisal: One of the Faces of New York’s Religious Plurality
Islam Fair Educates Students, Fosters Engagement
The Muslim Students Association at North Carolina State University held an Islam Fair as part of NC State's Diversity Education Week. The event brought people of different faiths together to learn more about Islam, including the difference between culture and faith, women in Islam, and more. READ MORE (Technician) ...