A new web series, The Secret Life of Muslims, aims to challenge and break down stereotypes and paint a fuller portrait of American Muslim life to "reveal the truth about American Muslims: fascinating careers, unexpected talents, and inspiring accomplishments." Read more (Huffington Post ...
Around the Interfaith Meal Table
Oklahoma City residents from different faith communities gathered for food and fellowship. The event, called "An Interfaith Meal: "A Mediterranean Afternoon Tea," was designed to bring people together to learn about each other's faith traditions and build bridges. Guests was assigned to tables, where they enjoyed refreshments and conversation meant to prompt dialogue about faith and religious traditions and practices. Read more (News OK) ...
Penn State Muslim Student Association Builds Bridges to Fight Bigotry
Muslims and Jews Break Fast after Yom Kippur
Members of the Muslim and Jewish communities near San Antonio, TX came together to break fast after Yom Kippur. This dinner was part of many similar interfaith exchanges over the past two years, which provide opportunities for learning and dialogue. According to community leaders, "We learn from each other. They have fasting. We have fasting. They do charity. We do charity." Read more (San Antonio Express-News) ...
“Places You’ll Pray” Photography Project Documents Muslim Prayer, Builds Understanding
"Places You'll Pray," a new photo project by Muslim American photographer Sana Ullah, documents Muslim prayer in public spaces. According to Ullah, the exhibition has the potential to break down stereotypes and bias, and build bridges. In this interview for Fusion, she says, "If someone can see an image of a Muslim praying peacefully in a place that is very common to everyone, then that is [the first step to understanding]. We are no longer seeing negative images, but rather seeing more ...