On September 11, 2020, Shaun Persaud, khatib in training at Cordoba House, delivered Friday Khutba on cultivating sincerity so that our beliefs and actions align and come from a place of grace. ...
On September 4, 2020, Shaun Persaud, khatib in training at Cordoba House, delivered Friday khutba on finding the time and mental clarity to honor and remember the fundamental, immutable truth of God. Watch below! ...
On August 28, 2020, Junaid Siddiqui, teacher at the Cordoba House Sunday Children and Youth Program and khatib in training, delivered Friday Khutba on the prostration and submission of the mind and soul to God. Watch below! ...
On August 7, 2020, Imam Feisal delivered a khutba on giving attention to our spiritual needs and the needs of our souls.
Watch the sermon below and click here to make a donation to support Cordoba House’s virtual Zoom meeting space so that we can continue to hold online events like this. ...