Ramadan is a time of charity and spiritual growth, and food delivery initiatives for those in need is an excellent way to show love and caring during this sacred time. At Cordoba House, we salute members of the American Muslim community who work to make their communities better, stronger, and more compassionate. These are expressions of both Islamic values and American values. READ MORE AND WATCH (Voice of America) ...
Muslim Moms make Moon-Shaped Ramadan Trees… and They’re a Hit!
A group of Muslim moms in Dearborn, Michigan have hit on a novel idea: moon-shaped trees for Ramadan. The decorative trees are meant to help children—and adults alike—get into a festive mood during Ramadan. And, the trees are selling quickly, with orders coming in from across the country! READ MORE (Detroit Free Press) ...
The Power of Listening
Muslim Family Reaches Out to Educate Neighbors about Islam
When members of the Afzal family were bullied for their Muslim faith, they decided to fight back through education and outreach to their non-Muslim neighbors. Members of the family put together a program to teach kids about inclusion and celebrate diversity, while one family member, Maimona, was elected to the local school board. While they have faced hardships and difficulties, they have managed to turn these traumas into teachable moments and make their community a better and more just ...