Oklahoma City residents from different faith communities gathered for food and fellowship. The event, called "An Interfaith Meal: "A Mediterranean Afternoon Tea," was designed to bring people together to learn about each other's faith traditions and build bridges. Guests was assigned to tables, where they enjoyed refreshments and conversation meant to prompt dialogue about faith and religious traditions and practices. Read more (News OK) ...
Penn State Muslim Student Association Builds Bridges to Fight Bigotry
Muslims and Jews Break Fast after Yom Kippur
Members of the Muslim and Jewish communities near San Antonio, TX came together to break fast after Yom Kippur. This dinner was part of many similar interfaith exchanges over the past two years, which provide opportunities for learning and dialogue. According to community leaders, "We learn from each other. They have fasting. We have fasting. They do charity. We do charity." Read more (San Antonio Express-News) ...
Muslim Leadership Training, United Nations School, and More!
Religious Literacy Essential Learning for School Age Students
Religious literacy and knowledge of varying religious identities is an important aspect of childhood education, especially in increasingly diverse learning environments. We must support public school teachers and provide them with the tools and resources necessary to help our children understand how individuals and diverse communities build their religious identities, and how these identities impact civic engagement. Read more (Huffington Post) ...